Role of Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia Enterprises

Employees and Workers are the important part of any business. Their performance of employee effects on the productivity of business. Employee performance is created based on number of leaves and absents per month, working hours per day and over time. The pattern of employee absence and presence must be captured by a well structured software tool. The record of employee attendance, leaves and absent was managed on separate spread sheets before the use of Leave Management Software. In the present era creating of performance reports is easy and user friendly. The software provides a solution that is completely flexible, less messy and accurate. The Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia gives a better management  and clear view of each employee leaves, absents, holidays and attendance. It also manages other insights like employee vacations which includes national, corporate, state/provincial, union, and religious.
Influence of Leave Management Software in business
Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia gives a Clear impact on business. It enhances the working efficiency of employee and reduces the complexity of HR works. It helps a lot to manage employee data for HR managers. It helps employees to maintain their performance record by giving them a clear view of performance score. Employee can send a request for leave and HR manager can approve or reject leave application by sending a notification to employee. It boosts the productivity of overall business. There are three types of users in a company that are effected by Leave Management Software:
  • 1.     HR managers/System Administrator
  • 2.     Employees/Workers
  • 3.     Supervisors

It gives better collaboration of employees , supervisors and HR managers to organize attendance and leaves.
Features of Leave Management Software
Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia offers a number of useful features such as:
  • ·       Policy Determination
  • ·       Vacations and restricted holidays
  • ·       Planning of Leaves and its balancing
  • ·       Leaves Transactions
  • ·       Workflow and pattern of leaves per month
  • ·       Manages reports of leaves
  • ·       Employee dashboards

Advantages of Leave Management Software
  • ·       To the point and accurate information
  • ·       Transparency
  • ·       Definition and awareness of leave policy
  • ·       Visible view of availability of each employee
  • ·       Implementation of Laws
  • ·       Discipline enforcement

Contact Details:

Phone:                 +966 138454267
Address:              Alrasmyat, 4th floor-City Tower,
  Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques Road,
  Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia


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