Get a Perfect and complete solution for Employee leave tracking by Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia:

Every business required a well structured and well organized set of functionalities that handles and manage employee absents, leaves and attendance details. A complete software tool gives a best solution to this problem. Employee performance is created based on employee daily working hours, attendance timing, leaves, absents and so on. 
1.     Employee Dashboard
Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia gives a dashboard for each employee. Employee can view its monthly performance sheets, daily working hours and records of leaves and absents. Employee can send request for leave and HR manager have right to reject or approve the employee leave request. He can send notification for leave approval.
2.     Automated Reporting
It gives automatic reports creation based on employee performance. It is highly automated to keep track and enter data into employee performance sheets.
3.     Scheduling and planning of vacations
It has an ability to customize the schedule of holidays according to important working days. It automatically plan vacations and sets the calendar for national, corporate, religious, provincial and holidays based on company policy. An automated notification is send to each employee for vacation announcement.
4.     Policy determination
Leave Management Software gives a functionality to create and define company policy for restricted holidays, vacations and other type of employee leaves according to multi shifts and department wise scheduling.
5.     Real time tracking of employee off-days
It provides an automated tracking of employee leaves and off-days. It record and generates daily reports on employee working hours. No need to waste time on handling and management of daily off-time for each employee. If HR manager is not present then it automatically handles bio metric data

Factors influencing on business by leave management software in Saudi Arabia:
Leave Management Software in Saudi Arabia enhances the business functionality and an automated solution to keep track employee leaves and generate well defined performance report for each employee.
  • ·       Cost and time Efficient
  • ·       Employee Off-Time Management
  • ·       Automated process
  • ·       Accurate information
  • ·       Customization of leave types and vacations
  • ·       Paperless and flexible creation of employee performance reports
  • ·       Department wise and employee wise tracking
  • ·       Centralized and complete structure

Contact Details:

Phone:                       +966 138454267
Mobile:                      +966 547315697
Address:                    Alrasmyat, 4th floor-City Tower,
    Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques Road,

    Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia


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